You should know these three main benefits of unstable training:
1.) Improved adaptation of the nervous system .
There are two reasons that can be attributed to strength gains: one is the increase in muscle cross-sectional area and the other is the improvement of neuromuscular coordination. Neural adaptation is the first factor contributing to strength gains in an untrained individual (BEHM, 1995). Additionally, compared to traditional training, unstable training results in instability that challenges the neuromuscular system at a higher level, which can further increase strength gains (STONE, MH, SS PLISK, ME STONE, BK SCHILLING, HS O'BRYANT, AND KC PIERCE. , 1998).
Incorporating instability training into a training program at a later date may result in the source of neurological stress remaining, improving neurological adaptations after the first 6 weeks of training (Behm, DG & Anderson, KG, 2006).
2.) Improved coordination of muscle groups.
Because muscles are connected to each other like a chain, harmonious coordination of muscle groups is important for stabilizing the body and essential for athletic performance (Azar, 2016). Rutherford and Jones claimed that coordination of all muscle groups such as agonists, antagonists, synergists and stabilizers can be improved through neural adaptation during training (RUTHERFORD, OM, AND DA JONES., 1986). To balance and control unstable loads, the body must recruit and coordinate more synergistic, stabilizing and antagonistic muscle groups. (Behm, DG, & Anderson, KG, 2006). Thus, unstable training causes different muscle groups to work together by increasing muscle activation (Behm, DG, Leonard, AM, Young, WB, Bonsey, AC & MacKinnon, SN, 2005).
3.) Injury prevention
Many researchers have conducted studies that have shown that strengthening the rotator cuff and shoulder stabilizers helps the shoulder joint under stress and prevents sudden instability, leading to a reduction in the risk of injury (Kolber, MJ, Beekhuizen, KS, Cheng, M.-SS , & Hellman, MA, 2010) (Anderson, CE, Sforzo, GA, & Sigg, JA, 2008) (Behm, DG, Drinkwater, EJ, Willardson, JM, & Cowley, PM, 2010) (Kibele, A., & Behm, DG, 2009), (Kolber, MJ, Beekhuizen, KS, Cheng, M.-SS, & Hellman, MA, 2010). Furthermore, Soria-GilaSoria-Gila et al. (2015), in a study of trained and untrained individuals, found that unstable training can result in the same muscle activation with a lower 1RM percentage compared to traditional resistance training. The subjects in this study completed more than seven weeks of training using chains or rubber bands attached to a standard barbell. By reducing the load, the overall stress on the joints can be reduced throughout the entire range of motion. (Soria-Gila, MA, Chirosa, IJ, Bautista, IJ, Baena, S. & Chirosa, LJ, 2015).
“Enjoy the shake” – your Coach Oli